Well it has been awhile since I have written, so I have decided to make this a "catch-up" on the live of the Burkholders......
Daniel and his biggest fan |
Dadda Burkholder - Daniel is getting into the groove at Komen. He comes home almost everynight and tell me about the progress he is making. The project(s)/clients he has been working on, have not been the easiest and he kind of came into the middle of a mess.......BUT, typical Daniel style - he is putting peoples feet to the fire and getting stuff done. I can tell by the way the he talks about his day and the tasks he is completing that he is happy and enjoying the process.
He has turned into Mr. Yardman at home. He waters almost every other night and mows and edges on the weekends. With the help of Mitch, he redid the front and cleaned out the side yard to really make the landscaping look nice. Our landlord was super impressed with the attention to detail he was giving the yard, even if we are just renting the place.
my offer packet from RTKL |
Mama Burkholder - I have just recently accepted a job with RTKL Associates as a Senior Marketing Coordinator. It is downtown Dallas and definitely has the "cool" factor. I was a tad bit nervous my first 2 weeks and began to completely doubt myself and my abilities. Luckily, I prayed that away and now am in the middle of my second proposal. The people her are very nice and our marketing team is very strong - I have good vibes all around. It was always one of my fantasies as a little girl to work for a company of this stature and to work in an office this beautiful, it is super sweet to realize this fantasy has come true.
On a side note - I turn 31 this Sat. (wah waaaaah) and Daniel and I have a date to go to Ocean Prime for dinner. fun fun
Carousel at Stonebriar Mall |
Little Burkholder - I cannot begin to tell you how much I am in love with this little girl. She is growing up to be such a sweet heart and everyday I can't wait to pick her up and squeeze her tight! We had to take her to the ENT this past Tuesday and the doctor was impressed at the amount of ear infections she had had in the past 2 years. Impressed sounds like a good thing, but in this case it is not. So - this Thursday we are taking her to get tubes put in. Pray for her, she did great when she had her tear ducts done and I know she will do great again. The doc wants to see her 2 weeks after the surgery and there they will do a hearing test, he was a tad bit concerned about her speech development, but in my mind I think she is doing quite well considering.
So on that note - here are a few new words/sentences/commands
Mamadada (she is equally in love with both of us)
Mama paci (when Holly is crying
Bless you!
I'm Eating!!!!
Im in pool
I want or-ange
bye - see you
Smiling at Daddy~! |
Baby Burkholder - Holly, my little Daniel look-a-like. Words cannot even begin to describe how much she is in love with Daniel. Everytime she sees him, her face practically explodes in smiles and then when she looks back at me - its serious mode/mona lisa smile. (ha ha) She will officially be 5 mo this Sunday and has mastered the task of rolling from her back to her tummy. She looks like a little turtle and it so proud of her accomplishment, until she realizes she is stuck and needs help rolling back onto her back. She was officially kicked out of our room last night and even though I was operating on about 4 hrs of sleep from the night before, I missed her. She is going to have to go through the CIO method and learn to self-soothe just like her sister. When she gets it, we will all be happy campers!
Birdie Burkholder - yep, that's right - we have a "pet". Well ok not really. We have a Dove that lived at our rent house before we did. She has a nest right at the edge of the water duct by our front door and she has give birth to 2 baby doves right when we moved in and just last week to another baby dove. It's kind of cute and I love to look up every morning and evening to check on her and her babies, cause I kind of feel she is "watching" over us and our babies.......:)
Well I think that should bring you all up to speed. We are officially settling into our lives in Dallas and even though we miss our family in SA we are very happy.
Happy Wednesday~!
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