Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy 2012~!

Ok so as I promised, pics of New Years and Xmas.....We had a very nice and busy Christmas.  It all began on the 23rd with the annual Burkholder Xmas Bash at Grandma and Grandpa Burkholders with a special visit from Santa.  Majority of everyone was there.....which when you add 10 siblings, their children and then their families - it was nothing short of chaos~!  But alot of fun and I was glad Aly was able to participate :)  She did great with all of her many cousins.  Christmas Eve was a nice quiet day, with a little bit of a hiccup for mass - so I grabbed communion and met Daniel and Aly in the car.....(I think we were snake-bit when we woke her up early from her nap) plus, I have never seen so many people packed in the church & hall like sardines!!!  Crazy CHREASTERS~!!!  We then went over to mom and dad's and had a lovely dinner, Daniel' sister, Grace and her husband joined us and we had a great time - Aly got to open up all of her presents from Babi and Dido.  Christmas Day we woke up early to see what Santa had brought, Aly was actually interested in playing with her existing toys rather than the new ones (favorite toy still - Pink Princess Car from the Brooks - she loves that thing~!!! - Thanks Dustin!!)  Then we packed up and headed over to my Grandma's to open presents, see our cousins and eat some delicious cookies.  We came home, grabbed a nap and then trecked out to Fair Oaks Ranch to spend the evening with Daniel's Dad, Kathy and the kiddos.  Aly had a great time, she loves her Aunt's and Uncle (we'll explain that to her later ~!)  Whew - I'm exhausted, how about you.....I think that wraps up the festivities of xmas.  I will post pics and then on to New Years. (It was just as busy.....get ready!)

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