Sunday, November 27, 2011

Drive-by Bloggin

So, I am statrting to become one of those bloggers that only blog on holidays.....kind of like those church goers that only go on Christmas and Easter.....what are they called - "Chreasters"  Honestly, I have not blogged b/c my new employer blocks "social sites" even during lunch hours - it's not really a bad thing, but it is the reason for the lack of blogs.  Ok so anyway.  We had a wonderful T-Giving.  Spent the day at my mom's and it was just the 5 of us.  It was very nice b/c it gave me a chance to rest (2 naps~!!) and enjoy the day.  I have been feeling "ok"I have had waves of nausea, last week was pretty bad - doc had to perscribe me phenagren and have had some pretty massive migranes....but thankfully the "nausea cloud" lifted on TGiving day and I was able to wear my stretchy pants and scarf down a bunch of good food.  Here are some pics of our weekend - hope all of yours were as blessed as ours :)  Next - CHRISTMAS!!!

Thanksgiving morning - going to get bagels with daddy

Me and my Dido

My Thanksgiving outfit(thanks Gma Kathy) with snacks "in-hand"

Mommy and Me, more snacks please~!

Three Generations of  "Red-Heads"

Babi and Dido making Turkey dinner~! yum

Miss Alyson Grace Burkholder

Clippin Black Friday Ads with mommy and the "Aunt Crazies"~!!!!

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!! I didn't know you were pregnant again! Congrats Jen! I'm very happy for you three :)
