Tuesday, June 14, 2011

In the western part of Texas, 90 miles from San Antone

"There is a place I go each summer, when I get the urge to rome.  I stand out by the highway; if I couldn't get a ride, I'd walk to GARNER STATE PARK."
Alyson (3 weeks old) at the Frio

Ha! sorry, 2 more days and we are off to the Frio~!  I am so so excited, we do this as a family every year and it is so much fun.  My dad's family started the tradition practically before my dad was born.  My Grandma and Grandpa would camp with some their friends at Garner around the 4th of July, but as it became more popular we moved to River View.  I have some great and funny memories of that place and it is always fun to reminiscence with my cousins.  We now "camp" (it's not really camping anymore) at Frio Acres, a lodge that is very nice with a/c, running water, no bugs holding up that bathrooms, and plasma t.v.'s.  Like I said, it's not camping.  BUT still so much fun.  We took Alyson last year when she was 3 weeks old, this year will be lots of fun now that she is older and can enjoy playing with her "set" of cousins.

Alyson goes for her well-baby check up tomorrow.  Her 1 year old check up and it always makes me nervous when I know she is going to get shots.  You hear so much in the news now about shots and kids and it possibly being linked to autism or something else, and it is just something that I fear whenever she gets them.  I have to trust in GOD that they are the best thing for her and that she will be ok. 

So, I decided to compromise with mother nature.  6:30pm in June trying to run 3-5 miles was just not going to work out.  I cannot believe we are reaching 100 degrees and it is only early June, scary to think what August is going to be like.  Anyway, I have joined my mom's walking group.  They meet every morning at 6:45 and walk around 4miles; I met up with them for the first time this morning, it was a lot of fun and a good work-out.  Got back home around 7ish, Alyson was dressed and ready for school.  I helped Daniel get out the door and then got ready for the day, on my way to work I felt great; very accomplished!!

Have a great Tuesday ALL.

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