Holly Elizabeth Burkholder |
Proud DADDY |
Mommy |
Babi and Holly |
Babi, Mommy, Alyson and Holly (3 generations) |
Babi and Dido with Holly |
The FOUR of US |
SHE's here~! I cannot believe it - another beautiful baby GIRL. I was so surprised I started laughing in the OR and then preceeded to cry afterwards! (Im not a crier, I did not cry at my wedding and I did not cry when Aly was born)
We got to the hospital at 5am. I did not sleep at all the night before. I woke up at 1.....2......3.......4........and got up at 4:15. Everything went so smooth and Miss Holly was born at 8:02am. The C-Section was "easy" the IV they put in my hurt worse than the spinal they gave me......I was prepared for alot worse and was pleasantly surprised. It was like a big party in the OR, 2 docs, 2 nurses, anastesiolgist, his nurse.....and they were all cutting up and jokin around. It definatley made me feel more at ease.
My doc was so excited to deliver this baby, that when it was time to "Call it", she beat Daniel to the punch and said....."it's a GIRL~!!!!!" Thats when I started to laugh. 2 girls, such a blessing and she is just as beautiful as her older sister. Oh No Daniel - get your gunS loaded.
We are on our third day at the hospital and ready to get out of here. It starts to get depressing after awhile. Food sux, lighting sux......you get woken up every 2 hours and it's not b/c of Holly. We go home tomorrow and we are more than ready. Aly came by yesterday and she did great, she was all hugs for mommy and daddy and very curious about the "new addition".......it will be interesting to see how she does these next couple of months. My ultimate goal is for Alyson and Holly to be the best of friends - I know they will have their moments - but the blessing of sisters is something to cherish :)
I couldn't be happier for you Jen!!! Congrats on another precious little girl! I love how Alyson and Holly sounds together! Definitely a blessing for you and your family :) Email me when you get a chance. I'd love to be able and stay in touch! gabby.kologinczak@gmail.com