Thursday, September 1, 2011

Alyson 15 months

I don't have any pics to post - but will definitely have some this weekend.

Wanted to give you all an update on Miss Alygator at 15mo. old.  So lets see, we are not walking yet.  We have taken a few unassisted steps from Mommy to Daddy, but we fall into their laps laughing every-time we get close.  If I hold her one hand and walk around with her, she loves that and I now know how it feels walking alongside of someone intoxicated.  :)

She is "talking" like crazy, it of course is all in a foreign language and so funny to watch her facial expressions as she is talking, like she fully understands what she is saying.

She is still SO in love with her daddy.  When I get her from school and open the garage door, she immediately says "dada", when the phone rings at the house, or my cell chimes with a text - she immediately says "dada".  She only says mama when I am feeding her or when I request her to say it.  Oh well, I am in love with dada to - so it's cool.  Other words she is saying......mama, baby, moo

She is infatuated with books.  We started reading to her literally when we brought her home from the hospital and right now she loves to be read to, to turn pages and to interact with her books.  Her favorite books are "Peek a Who" and "Brown Bear" I hope she continues her love for the rest of her life - they are treasures. And on a soap box note - I hope that the technology wave does not take over and they do away with printing books, that would be so sad.

She loves dogs......well fake dogs.  Dogs she sees in books and on t.v.  Real dogs still scare her, except for sweet Lucy, my cousins dog.  Every-time she see's a fake dog, she pants and sticks out her tongue.  I think she might be one for halloween~!  She loves to dance with mommy in the car and she also loves to clap~!  She mimicks everything we do and it is quite entertaining watching her do so.

This weekend we are going to Rockport, and I will make sure to take lots of photos so you can see how fast Miss Aly is growing.~!  Stay safe, be cool.

1 comment:

  1. So so sweet! She is getting so but but what a sweet age!! We hope y'all have a fun weekend and yes we need pics!
