I have many questions to ask once I get to the pearly gates, but this one is not a serious as my others.
Friday, before we left for Houston, Daniel and I set a plan into motion. Daniel goes to the gym until 10:45, I then go right afterwards, get home and then we set out IH-10 - Houston Bound.
When Daniel left it was around 9:30ish I think. The house was somewhat a wreck and I have this cute little one year old buzzing around me. How am I going to get the house in order and keep her amused? Thank goodness for Toy Story 2 and the exer-saucer. In the short 1 hour that Daniel was gone, and actually it was more like an hour and half b/c he did not get home until 11:10am. I managed to gather all of the clothes that had accumulated on our bedroom floor, start a load of laundry, begin to pack for Aly and I and our 1 day trip to Houston, clean the kitchen, unload the dishwasher and then load it back up again, fold a load of clean clothes, feed Alyson lunch, get her down for a nap (which those 2 things were supposed to be Daniel's responsibility) but since he was running late, I went ahead and did them..........
So my silly question is, after accomplishing quite a lot in that one hour and taking care of our one year old, I still had to treck out to the stupid gym and get in 20-30m of cardio/weight lifting in. I think that if you are a mom and you are doing house chores/taking care of your children, or crazy enough to think - BOTH~! I think you should burn up to triple the amount of calories while doing them. Do you really think after working a very demanding more than 40-hour work week, taking care of our beautiful daughter, trying to manage our household and spending time with my husband that I want to squeeze in time for the gym.
I will let you all fill in the blank. Because my answer is a big FAT -
The End, I am off my soap box.
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