Well we have officially been living in Dallas now for 2 weeks; its amazing that I can actually still keep track of time......all of this has gone by so fast.
Last weekend Daniel's mom came to visit and we celebrated Aly's bday one weekend late. We celebrated on the actual day, but this time we were not as inundated with boxes.....She is for sure a typical 2 year old and by the end of the day when she is in bed I feel like I could just fall into bed myself (with a pitcher of margaritas by my side). She is consistenly inconsistent, but I here that is pretty "normal" for her age. She has some pretty humerous mood swings and will love a certain food group one day and throw it on the floor the next. One pretty humerous event that occured a couple of nights ago involved her Little Tikes Red Car. She recieved the car for her bday and absolutley loves it. She sits in it and watches Elmo almost every morning. Well a couple of nights ago she wanted
me to sit in her car. (Obviously there is a size and weight limit for this thing) I tried to show her that it would be physically impossible for me to sit in her car and she proceeded to rest her head on the stearing wheel and sob...... (ha) I then decided it was time for bed, since all rationality had gone out the window. Gotta love her, she has such a sweet heart.
We are doing well getting settled in, we love our house and feel like it was all in Gods plan that this is where we ended up. Alyson loves her school, last Friday was Field Day and they spent majority of the day outside. Holly is doing great, she will be 3 months next week (unreal) and her older sister is totally in love with her. Everytime she looses her paci, Aly makes sure to put it back in her mouth. Everytime she cries, Aly makes sure to come tell mommy and then go into our room with me to make sure she is ok. (Aly obviously is not a follower of Babywise......) This evening we were at church and I caught Alyson looking at Holly and Holly looking back and it made me realize how special it is that they are sisters. I really hope that they will have a very close and loving relationship.
This coming week my mom will be with us. My dad is in Eagle Pass on a mission trip with St. Francis teens. So instead of being home alone in SA, she is coming to stay with us. It will be fun. Next weekend we will be participating in the Plano Race for the Cure. My mom will be participating as well. She is a breast cancer survivor since 1982 and it will be so cool to do this with her; both our first time to do it. We will then pack up and head to Houston.....
My dad (real father) was admitted to hospital last week and just had a double bypass as of yesterday at 1pm. He is doing remarkably well, but he will be released next weekend and I would like to be there to help him get settled at home. My relationship with my dad has for the most part been pretty rocky, but I have an amazing husband that helps me focus on the present and not the past. It seems to be helping. We are going to bring the girls with us as well. Holly and I will go to see him Sat. evening when we get in and then Sunday we will all be there for as visit.
That is all for now, will continue to keep you posted on the Burkholder Buzzzzzzzzzzz. Love to all.
Elmo! |
Alys baby.....(she is a pro!) |
Happy Birthday Alyson and Granpa Leo |
Make a wish! |
Hurry Daddy, Im ready to go for a ride..... |
G-Ma and Holly |
On her way.........(to the mall) |